The Relevance Of Reality Research In Pharma and Healthcare
Health care market research and pharma market research clients are no different in their pursuit of consumer insights. And the web-based reality research we conduct at VCN is highly relevant for healthcare and pharma qualitative market research as well. Click here for a white paper discussing the issue at some length.
Real Insights Across A Variety Of Diseases And Conditions
We regularly conduct projects with HCPs, patients and caretakers across a wide range of medical conditions.
Our Unique Chat and Surf Methodology
Our unique Chat and Surf methodology is just one of the digital tools we employ from our Virtual Toolbox. As shown in the video above, we talk via webcams to patients and doctors as they browse your website, to get a clearer idea of the user experience, what works, what doesn’t, and how you can optimize your online presence in terms of organization and engagement.
Insights Through Blogging
When patients create Multimedia Blogs about the conditions they live with, there is no end to what we can learn.
Moderated Chats With Doctors and Patients
We can pair up patients and caregivers and chat with them in the comfort of their homes. Likewise, we make it easier for HCPs to participate when we drop in them in their offices or homes for Moderated Chats.