VCN Conducted A Fascinating Mobile Study
We started with 18 respondents, which we then divided into three groups of six. One group would sample a new beverage from Starbucks, another would drive their new SUV, and the third would go shopping for smartphones.
Each group would then be further divided into two subgroups: One would be interviewed with the Epiphany mobile research app in the moment: as they were actually drinking the new Starbucks beverage, driving the SUV or checking out new phones. The other group would be interviewed some hours afterwards, video chatting with us via their laptops.
The question was whether or not the kinds of responses would be different between those who were interviewed in the moment and those after the fact. And indeed they were.
Those interviewed in the moment delivered mobile insights that were more visceral, concrete, pictorial and outside of conventional category conventions. Those interviewed afterwards spoke in more abstract and general terms, often repeating conventional category language.
Trying new Coffee at Starbucks
When trying new coffee at Starbucks
When interviewed after the experience
Driving their new SUV
When driving their SUV
When interviewed after the experience
Shopping for a new mobile phone
When shopping for a mobile phone
When interviewed after the experience